Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


This day completely got away from me before I had a chance to get out with a camera.  The result being that I found myself out on the deck in a light drizzle, light fading fast, hoping for something...anything ... to photograph.  Happily, this little chickadee decided to do some acrobatics before dropping onto a pot with seeds in it.  Nice shot of the talented Tit!  

I am dropping a shot in Extra of a species I've only ever seen twice before in our yard - a Brown Tree Creeper!  If only it had been a better shot - one that I didn't have to crop the hell out of and tweak beyond anything reasonable.  Tree Creepers are very small birds who travel up and down the bark on trees, picking out tasty little arthropods.  I actually thought I'd seen one a week or so ago, and now believe that we have at least one in our woods right now.  Based on that, I'm hopeful that I will get a better chance to photograph one.  We'll see.  Their coloring is so cryptic that if they aren't moving, they blend completely into the bark.  Handy.

Had a nice long FT chat with mom and dad this morning.  They are doing well and still considering the pros and cons of moving east.  I remain hopeful.  Then I had a nice long call with bestie Peggy who is out in Tucson for a few months.  We've made plans to have a virtual dinner this week which will be great fun.  Since the weather wasn't conducive to taking Jax for a walk (he hates any form of rain) we hung out most of the afternoon near the fire.  I even did a short yoga practice which always feels great.

Snow still in the forecast for tomorrow (yay!) so I predict some birds-in-snow pics.  


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