Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Indy had his saddle check today. Just needed a bit more stuffing where it had bedded down. The last time Sam came to measure up for the saddle was the first time we'd sat on him and he was really stressed. Today she commented on how much progress we'd made which was really nice to hear. Eva had a little sit on him afterwards. 

We only managed 45 mins at home for a quick sandwich then had to go back to the yard to get Buddy ready for a PC rally at Field Farm. He was fab. Eva absolutely loves riding him and he enjoys going out too. Hopefully he can fill the gap for a while till Indy is ready. 

We've been doing Jack's physio exercises. He had a massage this morning then did some raised poles (in-hand). Desperate to get him right so he doesn't miss out on too much. 

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