Cosy pup.
Another busy day with the horses. Helps to be out of the house at the moment.
I took Lime out on a hack with Eva and Jack this morning. Jack was quite slow bless him and not wanting to go into trot and then when he did he looked fine and was really forward going. I just don't know what's going on with him at the moment! Toby came down to poo pick. He managed 5 barrows whilst we were out. I've not managed to keep on top of it so he calculated he could make over £100 to clear the field. He's not factored in they will continue to poo whilst he spends days clearing it!!
Had an hour or so at home then back for my lesson with Ruth on Buddy. She commented on the change in him which we think is down to him being out and about more doing PC stuff! He worked really well for me. We worked on canter transitions and Ruth made me look up in the sky to help my position and get me sitting stiller. It was really weird! But effective!
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