
By BethAndCo

An afternoon at Birmingham Nature Centre

This morning was pretty much geared around getting ready for our afternoon at the Nature Centre as we were leaving at 1, so there was the kittens and cats to sort, Eva to make sure had had her feeds and sleeps and washed, dressed and sun tan creamed up, picnic to make, me to get showered and ready, plus breakfast for us all, including Eva of course. It sounds a piece of cake but we were just about ready on time. Then, the blummin' car wouldn't start. Mike came out and tried, and thankfully, after about 20 odd minutes of trying, it started.

We went to pick Lorna up, then off we set to meet Louise and baby Rhys, Louise, Charlotte and Liam, Lisa, Harry and James, and Jenny, Gavin and Eva.

We got there just in time to watch the tamarinds being fed, they were so cute, like little old men with big moustaches eating fruit with tiny hands. Awwwww.

We were all hungry then, so we set our blankets out on the grass and had our picnic. Today's pic shows Eva thoroughly enjoying her bread, ham and piece of apple. I was so impressed, she is doing so so well at this BLW. I'm not sure she's swallowing much yet, but to even be able to pick up and hold a thin strip of flexible ham, and guide it to her mouth, is amazing I think.

It was so lovely to take my niece with us today, she loves to see Eva so much and she is so good with her. Everyone was telling her she could be a model, she is stunning though, inside and out.

We had a lovely time, and thankfully the car started straight away when it was time to come home.

Lorna came back with us, and had Eva for me while I went to sort the cats and kittens, then Liza came for a drink and fetched her once she'd finished work.

Eva had her bath around 7pm and had literally a 15 minute feed before she was spark out on the bed next to me, I didn't even get chance to wind her. I put her in her bed and its now 10.30 pm and she hasn't stirred once. She's had an action packed day and one which we've thoroughly loved. Xxx

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