
By BethAndCo

A chilled out day and a new car :-)

The most exciting part of today was..... We got a new car!!!
Mike's mom and dad have bought a new Zafira, and rather than part exing their old one, they've given it to us! Generous is an understatement! What with the Golf not starting for ages half the time (although that's hopefully being fixed this week) and working out who needs the car on what day, this solves a multitude of issues. I can't believe what a kind thing they have done for us.

Apart from that, there wasn't much to report really about today. We're persevering with the BLW, although Eva is only really having 2 meals a day with us as oppose to 3 at the moment, as she still spends a lot of time sleeping so its difficult. I say has the meals, she sits their while we have our meals and puts the odd thing in her mouth off the tray on her chair, and knocks it on the floor a lot, but that's all to be expected at this stage. I think she has actually swallowed something on only a couple of occasions. I'd say her favourite thing so far has to be toast crust with a bit of marg on as today's pic shows.

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