
By Tryfan46


Our rosemary is or has been in flower out the back despite the freezing temperatures the other week and the bleak conditions again today. It struggled to get light, gave up the challenge early. The temperatures barely rose above 2c all day.

We still went for a walk, covering 5.5 miles. There were plenty out getting fresh air too.

Sorting was the order of the afternoon. Susan sorted her drawers (the need sorting) and I went through a mountain of paperwork chucking out manuals, receipts and the like for stuff we no longer have then dividing the pile into “for the next owner” and “for us to take. A small tick.

A lovely time with Chris in California watching Maddy play and trying to understand what she’s saying. Very contented to play imaginary games. Landon was on his Xbox!

Maddy is at her last soccer school today. She went to gymnastics class yesterday. It’s all go.

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