Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The quiet corner

Good to slow down after four busy days. We gave the house a thorough clean and then chilled.

I have been using both my waking and sleeping hours to use visualisation to channel protective energies towards those I love. It may be nonsense but I find it gives me direction and overcomes my sense of powerlessness. If nothing else it gives a focus and reaffirms my love and good intent, which may not help them but it does at least help me to be the kind of person I want to be.

The release of the hostages in Israel has been on TV today, something I am avoiding as I hate it when such human dramas are played out through the eyes of our media. It reminds me of that Billy Wilder film Ace In The Hole about the man trapped underground whose death becomes a marketable commodity at the hands of Kirk Douglas’s unscrupulous journalist. But I get that people with a strong emotional connection to the conflict in Israel and Gaza find it helpful.

I finished the first book in the Broken  Earth trilogy by JK  Nemesin today. Fantasy books need to be authentic and character driven if they are not to become hackneyed and this ticks all the boxes. But perhaps more importantly, the book’s big idea - that of a world that is constantly being destroyed and rebuilt - somehow resonates with the age we’re living in.  The whole drama of the world she has created is built on people recognising impermanence and finding ways to live with, and survive it.

Increasingly I value the quiet corners in my life - literally and metaphorically - as a place to think and emotionally recharge. This one is in our shared living space.

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