Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


A quiet day at home with 17yo. 

We had a first run through of one of her Christmas games, Cities. Thankfully it wasn’t one of those games with a fifty page instruction manual, and we picked it up fairly quickly. As usual with a first play, I’m just reacting to what’s in front of me rather than thinking strategically about the overall game objectives. It was only when we came to tot up the scores at the end that we appreciated the significance of certain challenges. It did work as a two person game, but it would probably play out differently with three or four players. Good fun and some interesting challenges overall.

Thank you for all of your good wishes in relation to Saturday’s blip, particularly in affirming choice made. Whatever it was that triggered my visit to A&E has largely receded into the background, and I’m feeling much better. 

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