It happened!
At 10:30 I started moving hardcore out of the bag that was in the way of the shed-move and into my wheelbarrow.
At 11:15 M, the landscaper, arrived and started moving hardcore out of the bag that was in the way of the shed-move and into a path trench. I learnt the efficient way to move hardcore.
At 11:45 E, from next door, who'd agreed to mastermind my project, starting chatting with M over the garden wall about moving sheds.
At 11:58 P, from next door the other side, jumped over the fence.
On my way indoors to get a camera I turned round and the shed was already moving, like Birnam Wood, across the end of the garden. By the time I'd run back to help take photos, it was in its new place.
Only then did I realise that when M made the new base, he'd marked out on the concrete the shed footprint exactly. Exquisite! His work is so precise. I love it.
At 12:00, the next helper rang the doorbell, and I had to tell him the job was already done, over, completed, finished.
Everyone went home and my soup was redundant.
Later in the afternoon E came back with his nearly-5-year-old helper and between them they secured the shed to the base.
Then B and I started moving the shelves and heavy stuff back in and I started Freegling the stuff I concede I really don't need.
The build-up to this has been very much more stressful than it should have been and I am enormously relieved, and grateful to all my helpers.
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