Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


You get out what you put in....

I think the reward for effort, the joy, the desire can be hard to quantify at times. There can seem to be very little 'reward' at the end of things sometimes. Watching the rowers this morning had me thinking about how 'end result' we have become, now, what's wrong with the simple reward of 'doing'?

It's like a cup of coffee, like the one I am supping right now, the destination is an empty cup but it's the journey that I enjoy. I will never amass a vast empire, however, my path to eventual nothingness will be as full and resplendent as I can make it.

I don't know what the Ladies where training for, there was a lot of very 'Go for it' chit chat about, but as the rested in the golden reflections in the water, I hope they were taking in the moment.....if they didn't......well, I did! :)

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