Capital adventures

By marchmont

Lokam Oren

After the late night/early morning I didn't get up till after 8.  I'd sensibly avoided the middle of the night viewing of the inauguration.

Spent the morning just tying off some loose ends from yesterday and then moved to another project - my February trip. Spent ages trying to decide how many nights to spend where and almost booked something.  Stopped by the fact I had to have lunch and go next door.

#1 son was off to the gym and I was looking after the girls, well I was reset.  they are still on the massive room tidy. I went back to Bali, though the app on my phone was better than my tablet.  I'm still mulling over 11 or 12 nights. You'd think such a decision would be easy.

At 5 it was tools down and ready to go up to 163.  We stopped in by mine to get my cinema clothes.  They already had hoodies, socks, blankets.  I just took socks and my pashmina. The protection against the vicious AC.  After booking the tickets and a side trip to Daiso for #1 son we went for dinner to The Social.  the girls ha 'Whatever' off the kids' menu.  I had fajitas which arrived well after they had finished but were very good.  

We were on the beds at the front of Velvet to see 'Paddington 3'.  The girls were tickled pink as we were the only people in Screen 2. We enjoyed the film , and the accompanying popcorn.  The story is bonkers of course, but then it is a bout a talking bear.  I liked the allusions to 'The Sound of Music, 'Heart of Darkness', the 'Lone Ranger' and the Blue Danube waltz.  And no spoilers but there are definite links to both all you blippers out there currently making marmalade and the fact that the shops here are full of lokam, the lucky golden fruit for CNY. 

It was almost 10 before I dropped the girls off.  A good evening. 

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