Spent a bit of time on figures today, and waiting. The micro man came this morning so couldn't go out till he'd finished. As anticipated, it needs repaired or replaced. In the meantime had a frustrating time trying to log in to my HMRC account. It kept telling me to put in a code from the app that I didn't have and even after I re-installed the app and got a code it wouldn't work. Ended up spending 40 minutes or so on the phone late afternoon to them but I did get it resolved. Later I managed another phone call (on the landline) to change Friday's appointment. That was a bit hard going with the accents.
After the engineer left went to HK. The girls were still tidying, but by evening they were finished. #1 son was annoyed as the table IKEA delivered yesterday is damaged and has to be replaced. He's annoyed with himself as he didn't open the boxes and check before the delivery guys left.
I sat and read my book, off and on, Burning Chambers by Kate Mosse. I had no idea Nerac was a Huguenot stronghold. Was just looking at my pictures of it in my massive photo sorting exercise.
#1 son went out to meet friends, WH had a CNY yee sang at the office, the girls went to the play park after the tidying and then we had dinner and watched some TV.
It was after 9 before I got back to the delicious coolness of the AC, and a beer. Watched Sunday's 'Call the Midwife'.
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