Lost ... and abandoned
Smithers and I encountered these two items on our walk this afternoon. The croc was tied to a lamppost in a residential area, so some poor child is missing one shoe, which presumably dropped off without being noticed while they were being wheeled in a buggy.
The Lime bike has been thrown into a small copse by the roadside. It’s been there for a few days, but I didn’t report it because I kept forgetting about it each time I got home. Today I remembered to do it, but when I went on to the Lime website (as a non-user) I had great difficulty in notifying them of the abandoned bike – there was nowhere to pinpoint it on a map, and they wanted a photograph accompanied by the bike’s number, which I had no intention of trying to find because of its precarious location. I did upload a photograph, though, and gave them the map reference.
Within twenty minutes I had a reply from Lime, who thanked me warmly and said the local operations team has been notified, and they will dispatch someone to deal with it. I thought that was pretty impressive.
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