An American robin. Not unusual in and of itself - but unusual that it was under my bird feeder tree eating seed that I strew on the ground. There were three of them, actually. I hardly ever see them in my yard and I don't think I've ever seen them partaking of the bird seed. Times are clearly hard! I was worried about one of them. It kept sort of sitting with its belly down on the ground and then moving a few feet fluttering low to the ground as if it couldn't actually fly. I tried going out and capturing it to take it to the Wildlife Center of Virginia, but it kept fluttering away from me. Later, when I went out to take the feeders in - which I do every night - it was nowhere to be seen. I hope it's okay. This one is one of the two others that appeared to be with it but acting normal.
Two extras are the weird one - at one point looking like it was snuggling into the icy snow. Or trying to take a dust bath. ????
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