Tintin moves house!

We finally arrived in Calais at 9.45pm last night, and by the time we'd had a quick shower and went for something to eat at Cite Europe everywhere was closing! Fortunately I had some snacks in the car so we went back to the hotel and shared a bottle if wine.

After about 5 hours sleep we were up and caught the train through the tunnel, and arrived in the UK at 7am. The journey to Brighton was fine and we're at the house waiting for the removal truck to arrive, and also my friend Lorraine who's kindly offered to come and stay overnight to help us with the unpacking.

Our new SIM cards had already arrived in the post so at least we can make phone calls and have internet on our phones, so my blips will be from my iPhone for the next few days. I'll try and comment if I can but in may be difficult with all the unpacking, so apologies if not.

Now its time to change the name of my journal ready for the next chapter, and following on from my other Tintin blips, you now have Tintin at his new house :-). Anyway, I'd better go and see what he's doing!

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