Home to the garden

I loved Verbier but it is nice to be back in familiar surroundings.
Plenty of purring - from Cyd who is glad to have her extra meals, and from Sparkie, who is purring and sleeping for England (well, with the Ashes on in the background, they need all the help they can get)

Contented Cyd

Sunbathing Cyd

I've had a potter in the garden. Some of the roses have single blooms (I deadheaded before I went) which look lovely. The Bergamot flower is fading. The white begonias are glorious. The catmint was overturned - now I wonder who that was :-)

I saw a ladybird, but she scuttled away while I went to fetch my camera.

Two peacocks and a white so far (something for the Big Butterfly count)

But the hoverfly in the rose was my choice.

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