South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Country view

This is a view up the drive at the lovely place where I go to Art looking across to the cottage that is opposite there, which is also lovely. I took a number of photos today, including panoramic - but these looked weird as the angles were all wrong on things. I had taken them with the camera held sideways to get more width, but this clearly causes more distortion as well for some reason. My son later explained it was because my camera has a very wide-angle lens (for a compact) so I needed to zoom in to compensate. Don't ask me why!!

I have done a very blue painting today - one of Raestelle's photos of the Murray river - which I'm interpreting in my own way. I bought a very expensive tube of blue paint which has a wonderful rich colour and has really added something to the background I think. I'm not going to Art for the next two Fridays, so it will be a while before it's finished!

Trying to make myself go down to see an Art exhibition this afternoon, but I think the garden chair is's lovely and sunny now. The day started with ominous rumbles of thunder and a bit of rain, but the cloud cleared away by early afternoon which is great - and one has to take advantage of the garden while one can (it's not laziness, you understand!)

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