
By MsQuizzical

Slinky Reynard

When I was eating my breakfast I spotted Reynard slinking along under the hedge in the front garden. I grabbed the camera, which still had the 800mm on and which was set for birds in flight and snapped the above through the double glazing. The image is rubbish but I've posted it because I was so pleased to see Reynard after a long time and as it's the only photograph I've taken today.

Mish and I went to collect my daughter. We had a good chat and lunch and then I took her to RJ's to pick up her car which was in as she had picked up a screw in the wall of one of her tyres.

I then took MrQ for an appointment with the nurse. Unfortunately, in spite of a second course of antibiotics, his leg is still swollen and the wound won't heal. She is arranging a Doppler test to see if he can wear compression stockings which might help.  

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