Capital adventures

By marchmont

Adopting the position

A more active day today, which started very early.  I started off by revisiting the tax return I started yesterday.  Discovered I'd missed a couple of things but I think it's done now, though I won't press 'submit' till I've double checked, on another day. 

It was a beautiful morning, sunny.  Across to HK after 10 and after a bit of toing and froing eventually managed to get the girls away from the tv/i-pad and off to the pool.  It was lovely in the sun and we also spent time in the hot tub.

Back up for lunch which took ages.  Then I took Amelia up to 1MK to get new swim shorts from Sports Direct.  We came back via the Thursday market and I bought some pineapple, ginger, chilli chutney from 'Lady Chutney'.  We got to try as well.  There was also a durian stall, which you couldn't miss given the smell.  Amelia knew what to do!  

Got her back to HK then I dropped my stuff off at mine and then back up to 1MK for my haircut, exactly a year since I was there last.  It was a rapid cut but I think she did very well given the language difficulties, not sure if she was Korean or not.  Olivia says it's the eyes that are different from Chinese people, but I don't know.

I had a wander round the Mall, including Batik Boutique, and then walked back.  It was very hot and humid.  Stopped in by the Pharmacy to get something for my sore eye, which is just annoying.  Antibiotic cream for RM6, just over a £1. Then Hanks before back up to my eyrie.

Evening at home.  I was going to go for a swim but it looked it was going to rain so I stayed in with the fan and AC, and ate.  Watched old 'Silent Witness' (I seem to have missed about 3 series) before my meeting, at 11 p.m.  Very late and by that time I was not firing at all on 4 anything. 

Red alerts been issued for home for tomorrow. Schools are all closed.  Overreaction?

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