I ddweud wrth y dant
I ddweud wrth y dant ~ To tell the tooth
“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.”
― Albert Einstein
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Es i apwyntiad deintydd heddiw. Rydw i wedi mynd i'r un deintydd am y chwedeg mlynedd diweddaf, byth ers i mi gael dannedd, am wn i, yn sicr cyn roedd y staff hyd yn oed yn fabanod.
Mae'n daith cerdded ofnadwy. Mae llawer o geir swnllyd ar y ffordd ac roedd rhaid i mi gerdded trwy isffyrdd brwnt a mannau lle mae pobl yn dympio sbwriel.
Rydw i'n cofio amser (cyn y gyfnewidfa) lle gallech chi gerdded ar hyd strydoedd tawel a glan, ar yr un lefel, heb isffyrdd.
Roedd y gyfnewidfa (adeiladwyd i wella llif o draffig) torri'r cymunedau i bobl ar droed. Dyma ddiraddiad graddol yr amgylchedd, ac mae plant yn tyfu gyda hyn fel 'normal', heb wybod beth oedd yno o'r blaen.
Rydw i wedi bod yn meddwl am symud holl fy ngofal iechyd i Bentref yr Eglwys Newydd. Rydw i wedi symud fy optegydd ac awdiolegydd yn barod. Mae fy mhrofiad heddiw yn awgrym (suggestion) bod yn rhaid i fi symud fy neintydd hefyd. Hyd yn oed ar ôl chwedeg mlynedd.
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I went to a dentist appointment today. I've been to the same dentist for the last sixty years, ever since I had teeth, I suppose, certainly before the staff were even babies.
It's a terrible walk. There are many noisy cars on the road and I had to walk through dirty subways and places where people dump rubbish.
I remember a time (before the interchange) where you could walk along quiet and clean streets, on the same level, without subways.
The interchange (built to improve the flow of traffic) cut off the communities for people on foot. This is the gradual degradation of the environment, and children grow up with this as 'normal', without knowing what was there before.
I have been thinking about moving all my healthcare to Whitchurch Village. I've already moved my optician and audiologist. My experience today is a suggestion that I have to move my dentist too. Even after sixty years.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Graffiti isffordd o rywun yn dweud 'sh'. Tynnir y llun ar ongl yn dangos y grisiau isffordd. Mae enfys wan yn y cefndir.
Description (English) : Subway graffiti of someone saying 'sh'. The photo is taken at an angle showing the subway stairs. There is a faint rainbow in the background.
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