
By hazelh

Book group decade quiz

Five of us - three of whom are blippers* - decided to form a book group at the Christmas drinks party at my flat on 20th December 2014. We held our first meeting with a sixth founding member on 26th January 2015. Our seventh member joined the group soon afterwards. LauraMuir brought our number up to eight in December 2020 when we were still experiencing pandemic lockdowns. The big event today was to celebrate our decade together.

The celebration comprised two parts. First we met for drinks and a quiz in the Conan Doyle. Then we enjoyed a delicious Syrian supper at Coffee Saints, organised by the Cyrenians to raise money to combat homelessness. 

My blip shows one of the two teams tackling the quiz questions in the pub. I have included the quiz with answers as an extra. Since I was quiz mistress, I spent much of the day devising the questions. It felt like I was preparing a tutorial exercise for undergraduates again - what fun! 

Today I also popped round to LIDL for our Thursday shopping expedition with Mr hazelh, delivered donations to the Bethany shop, dealt with laundry, busied myself with admin (my own and that of Mummy hazelh), and prepared the spare bedroom for LauraMuir

In the event, the spare bedroom was not needed. Due to the red weather alert, our out-of-town book group members LauraMuir and Winsford decided to head directly home this evening straight after the meal. They both roosted at my flat before we all met the pub, so at least that gave some extra time to catch up with them before the start of the celebrations.

Meanwhile poor Mr hazelh has spent his whole day on technical support. Most of his efforts centred on buying and setting up Jack's new television. He also made an emergency dash home mid-afternoon to fix our printer when it jammed on copies of my quiz. I tried my best to deal with this myself, but failed - aaargh!

* Five of the eight of us are blippers now: myself, ArcLightLauraMuir, Ridgeback13, and Winsford.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; walking (13,889 steps).

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