And that's just what this week has done - disappeared in a wink of an eye and it has been soooooooo hot in the office today - windows wide open, fans whirring at top speed and papers flying but its home time now so I think before I commence the evening duties I'll take a quick tour round the allotments to cool me off and calm me down.

The allotments are very near my house. I have to confess that I don't own a plot, yet! but I have many friends who do and are happy for me to wander round and take photos to my heart's content, as long as I don't nick the produce, which are looking their best at the moment with all the sunshine and special care and attention they receive from the owners. Must be a nightmare for watering at the moment though. Saw lots of very healthy veg and fruit, some lovely flowers, quite a few naughty "cabbage whites" who had got under the netting and were munching away to their hearts content. This one is on a flower so it doesn't matter!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

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