One day, this garden must have been full of roses. There are enough survivors to indicate the form the garden took. Every month, from May through to September, a different section of the garden is lit up with their blooms. These ones, obviously, are on the way out, but not far along the bed from them are some red ones that will come out after the August heat abates.
Dull day of jobs and baking. Well, the baking wasn't dull obviously. In my quest to use up the courgette glut that we had built up, I tried two new recipes: one with anchovies and one with sugar, vinegar and cinnamon. All would have been well save that, distracted by some chat with TallGirl, I dumped all the sugar, vinegar and cinnamon in the pan of courgettes that already had the anchovies in.... Sigh. They both taste ok in the end, but I can't help thinking the anchovy one would be better without the cinnamon...
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