
By fennerpearson


There's a metaphor in here somewhere. 

I took the photo about fifteen seconds before I realised that I'd Ieft my manbag in The Old Fire Station, where I met Izzy for some breakfast. Ironically, one of the things we'd chatted about was people being forgetful. A little dose of hubris, right there.

The Minx went to a life drawing class, this evening, so on the spur of the moment, I decided to go for a swim, figuring that as the swimming club were in (lanes one to three), the rest of the pool would be quiet. WRONG!

Still, with a bit of weaving about, I got my lengths done, and I felt great walking home. 

Also, the Minx showed me her drawings and I was particularly taken with one of them, which I'd like to use for the cover of the new album. 

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