Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

How the garden looks this afternoon.

The Feast Day of the Conversion of Saint Paul.
This event mentioned in the New Testament of the Christian Holy Bible is such a powerful expression of Christ and His Ascended Divine Love and Power to reach sinners and those who are persecuting those already convinced of and humbly living the essential message Jesus Christ brought to Earth.

The weather here has been a fabulous changing pattern of cloud, hail, sunshine and generally pleasant. The temperature now at just after 1:30pm is 4c but it is feeling like 0c. I have been carefully and slowly walking on hail, to the shop for three papers and to see my friend Lynn. Then I went to shops in our neighbourhood and along to buy acrylic wool and to put some food in the Co op container for the Parish Church foodbank. People are caring and kind and generally know Jesus is our Lord and aim to serve Him and act according to faith and their choices.
It is not predicted to be a set "one weather only" type of Saturday.
I aim to pray, crochet, read and have baked potato and cheese for my evening meal.
Paul's big green craft cutting board was delivered this morning. I am in awe of the excellent team of postal workers and delivery teams in this January cold diverse weather.
I feel sorrow those waiting for their power to be restored. I hope they have essential food and kindness.
There are many crisis situations right around the Earth so to avoid being overwhelmed, the answer for me at least, is to pray for God's mercy to help us remain calm, prayerful, stocked up with the basics and help when called to.
Take good care blip friends.

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