Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Cat and canal collage.

The Feast Day of the Conversion of Saint Paul.

I find this Feast Day one of the most profoundly inspiring. The Lord reached the heart of Saul as he journeyed along and completely transformed his life and thereby changed the lives of generations of others who the Word of The Holy Spirit inspires through the good news and St Paul's conversion.
Here in Rishton it is sunny, milder and decent walking weather. I have done 5970 steps by walking to the canal at Victoria Street to make this collage.
I was so happy to see Tabby, who was being loving and sweet natured.
Back home, Ian the house repairer is here, helping us locate the source of the leak in the utility room roof. He is inundated with repairs from other customers, due to the rain and gusty winds. It is not due to rain until 2pm so hopefully he can get the work completed.
Well I will listen to online Holy Mass and then have some lunch.
In the afternoon between rain showers,mI walked to the local Nisa and bought an iced Carrot cake.
Then to the Co op for red and yellow tulips, in bud, for just £3.
A baby was screaming in a pram in the queue behind me. Her little bonnet had covered her eyes so I gently mentioned it to the mother. I put a bag of oats and a jar of marmalade in the Co op foodbank. It is well supported by shoppers. There is a place for donated cat and dog food too.
I hope you have a good day and thank you for dropping by today, blip friends.
Steps : 10024. My best so far this month.

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