
By soozsnapz

At the local park

I had to go out mid morning as the postman had misdelivered a letter - right number, wrong street. I had to go down a long steep hill to a housing estate which was a bit of a puzzle as it’s not clear how the house and flat numbers work Anyhow I found it, and rather than walk back up that steep hill, I worked my way across several streets into the park I used to walk to every day in lockdown. This mahonia is in the hedge. Bristol city council are in trouble financially (I think all councils are) and seems to have stopped spending on parks. So the flower beds are now weedy. But the shrubs in the hedges are doing just fine.
Later I did the Great British Bird Watch - I’m very lucky to have a lot of visitors. Most numerous was the long-tailed tits as they go around in extended family groups, seldom less than 8 or 10. Most exciting is the Greater Spotted Woodpecker - the female has been coming several times a day for a few months. But just recently a male has started to eat here too. I’m hoping for babies - though I don’t want to put too much pressure on them:-))

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