Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Robin #13 Big - Garden Birdwatch Weekend

I braved the cold this morning and joined 26 others in Victoria Park to celebrate the Big Garden Birdwatch. We walked around the park and jotted down all the species we saw. It was good to see a couple of new birds for my list - the ring-necked parakeets that now seem to be everywhere, and a couple of Mistle Thrushes, but the best sighting was a small group of 8 redwings - not very common here. 

Afterwards, I came home and did my own Big Garden Birdwatch from the warmth and comfort of my own living room. 
12 Feral Pigeons
2 Magpies
2 Blue Tits
2 Great Tits
7 Long-tailed Tits
4 Blackbirds
1 Robin
2 Goldfinch

No sign of the regular Jays, Dunnocks, Wren or Starlings - not even any chaffinches which is a big surprise. 

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