
By LadyFindhorn


My dissected red pepper is elevated to the position of a blip today . Yes there was another marathon chopping session when I realised I had finished the last of the soup I made on Wednesday.. I’m not an enthusiastic chopper and I have been known to buy a bag of already chopped vegetables from the super market to save me the hassle but it was the real McCoy today.

Apart from chopping, I have had the Merry Widows usual Sunday coven convention. The breadth of subjects covered was breath taking from. Trump, Reeves, Schama, Educational attainment, Hip Replacement, Storm Érowyn to the #9 bus and forgetting words. Not only are we OBEs but we have BARMI as well.

I made the 200yds to Söderberg and back without remembering to take a photo hence the red pepper stand in. It’s not the sort of weather that invites me to go out again,  being dull and chilly. The virtual fire is blazing on the wall and shortly I will be forced to override the thermostat setting and put on the central heating. I would love to have Blipper Snapper’s living fire to sit in front of.

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