The final morsel
Another lovely sunrise this morning, and about 2 hours of sunny weather before the greyness set in and everything got a bit "atmospheric".
During the sunny period I took a lot of pictures of the bird feeder action. The blip shows a Eurasian Jay working on getting the last piece of fatball. I'm not sure if it was the Jay or the Great Spotted Woodpecker (extra) that finally removed the last piece but when I went out, a few minutes after these photos were taken, to replenish the bird food the holder was empty. Another creature here today, seen for the first time this season, was the Red Squirrel (extras). There were all the usual small birds and a magpie or two as well.
After taking a lot of pictures it was time for our daily yoga session, followed by a late breakfast.
Later in the day we went out snowshoeing which was fun. A cold mist had settled over our area, atmospheric but not so conducive to photography. Small ice crystals were growing on all the twigs and needles so the world is becoming whiter and whiter in the cold dampness.
We were home as it got dark and presently we are sitting in front of the woodburner - soon it'll be time for dinner.
Another good day!
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