
By brambleblossom

I’m so glad that I found the motivation to plant all these bulbs in the autumn , so far they seem to be thriving and eager to fulfill their promise.
The kinder weather today meant we got some garden jobs done . NC got out the hedge trimmer , I will say no more as he has just shown me his blip which features the before and after shots of our green wall .
Meanwhile I took some rose cuttings from a climbing rose which is in the wrong spot and not doing very well. The cuttings are now planted in suitable pots and all being well should be ready to plant out next autumn .
The day started with a brisk park walk on my own some. I found a discarded balance bike , the perfect size for Freya ,by a bin and carried it home . It will need cleaning up and some repairs but I know just the chap for the job . I expect he will blip it when it’s finished .

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