
By gennepher


Wildlife nighttime video
Badgers Willow & Thor & Cat Merlin

And same vid on TikTok

Creative is a kaleidoscope of one of my kitchen surfaces. I was waiting for my eggs to boil...

My HRV reading this morning was a little higher which is good. All I have done on the list of suggestions to improve it was do some meditation and breathing exercises, when I went to bed. And the other thing was to keep my sound processor on when I went to bed (I normally take this off because it falls off in the night and I can never find it in the morning), and I used a couple of hair grips to keep it in place, and I played some meditation music. I fell asleep with it on and when I needed the bathroom a couple of hours later, I disconnected it all. Both things were simple and easy to do and didn't take up any extra of my time.

The app told me this morning, my body was very slightly out of balance, and to pace myself carefully.
When I got out of bed, I noticed a difference from yesterday how I walked when I immediately got out of bed. I had a better sense of walking balance this morning. Yesterday my walking balance was not good, and the app told me my body was very much out of balance. This morning the app just tells me my body is slightly out of balance.

There appears to be at least some correlation between the app telling me how much my body is out of balance, and what my actual walking balance is when I get out of bed.

Yesterday the app was right, I did have to pace myself. All my energy/spoons was used up doing the food shop,
Normally when I got home, I would push myself to get through the rest of the day, but then I will crash about 6 pm and not be able to do anything in the evening nor be able to sleep properly. So I ended up doing a lot of sleeping yesterday because I was no nouse nor ornament for doing most things. Consequently, I did not crash at 6 pm and I was able to do a few nightly chores wash the posts etc. So far this app appears to be of some help to me.

I won't bore you anymore with this. But it seems worthwhile continuing with this app at the moment. I am trying to be the best possible I can be before the cataract operation.

Have the best day you possibly can.
Take care...

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