Hart Crag
We met up with friends today and immediately split up with the ‘boys’ heading to Brothers Water for a walk and ticking off some Wainwrights. It didn’t look promising as we came over the Kirkstone Pass with thick cloud enveloping the car. We persevered, dropping down to the car park before setting off on the Dovedale Round. If completed it would deliver 5 new Wainwrights.
We started low before climbing up High Hartsop Dodd along its shoulder. Number one ticked off. Then onto Little Hart Crag by which time we were seeing snow in sheltered pockets. We were lucky as the clouds continued to lift allowing us some stunning views down Scandale to Ambleside and beyond. We could see to Morcambe Bay and the off shore wind farm.
Next was Dove Crag and by now snow was widespread. We could see across to the other arm of the Fairfield Horsehoe I walked last November. On occasion the snow had drifted and we dropped up to our knees. No paths were evident so we were reliant on good navigation. You can see Paul below Hart Crag, which was the highest point on the walk.
Starting our descent we were walking through deep snow for quite some distance. By now my legs were on fire. My quads were screaming with the constant drops and my Achilles continued to protest ( but then again that was the norm).
Our final Wainwright was Hartsop Above How and then it was just the descent to the car. Oh dear, I don’t think I’ve experienced such a steep descent over rough paths. My quads continued to protest and reduced me to a crawl for the final mile. I even had the ignominy of slipping and sliding down part of the path.
I was so relieved to finally reach the car park. I was still very pleased at completing the walk but it’s hard to remember a harder walk in recent years.
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