talloplanic views

By Arell

Fe fi foam fun I smell the blood of a silicone gun

As planned, I was up bright and early today for the doors and windows guy to come and fix my front door. The slug-sized gap they left when they did the original installation wasn't meant to be a gap at all.  Having then checked my calendar, I realised the guy wasn't due until early afternoon...  So I tidied a bit and then flopped on the settee to definitely not log on and check my work e-mails and work chats and skim the latest in whatever other people's problems were going on.  Definitely not indeed.  I logged off again and read reviews of motorbike luggage systems.  Then it was an amble to the shop to ask them if I'd left my nice gloves there.  I've lost them and I don't know where.  I ambled home again without them.

Lunch came and went, so I watched a documentary about alleged UFO technology in WWII, from a YouTube channel that has a healthy disregard for "history-type documentaries" on TV.

The guy came and did his thing for a couple of hours, with lots of expanding foam and posh silicone and new threshold strips and stuff.  The slugs aren't getting in this time, nor the cold air.

By then I was utterly exhausted and sore, and dozed for an hour on the settee, clutching a hot water bottle.  I gave the Rick Wakeman album another listen, so I will post a review one day.

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