
By BoydMcAdam

Brush with death

We are used to seeing foxes on our nighttime walk with the dog. Or in the evening as they trot through the garden. We are not like some neighbours in the next street who have then sitting on their garden furniture.

It was a shock last night to turn the corner onto one of the main roads to see this one lying dead on the kerb. Our dog was on full alert and we skirted the body carefully checking that it was dead.

With modern technology by the time I had turned into our road I had logged a report with the city council. They remove animals from pavements etc and there was a box to tick for foxes, describe the location and the opportunity to send in a photo.

While this was an unusual occurrence for me it clearly happens often enough for there to be an efficient process in place. When I passed later in the day there was no sign of it.

Otherwise a day of waiting for engineers to come and sort out our TV system ( successfully) and, after a few days away, getting into paperwork again.

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