Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2025 Wednesday — Anniversary

This day, January 29th, marks four months until our 60th wedding anniversary. Mr. Fun & I had planned this Wednesday as an all day celebration. We celebrate the 29th every month. We doubly celebrate in January because February does not have a 29th.

This morning we enjoyed a delicious breakfast together and were in the process of getting the pups into their harnesses and leashes to head for an adventure when Mr. Fun started feeling crummy, so we paused, gave him time to sit for awhile, but he did not recover and slept most of the day.

We are thankful he feels much better tonight. So we've postponed our January 29th celebrating for two days. Friday we will celebrate.

From California’s Central Coast
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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