Weeks In The Year
Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,
I had a GREAT birthday.
I told The Prince exactly what I wanted to do - go for a cheese and wine at lunchtime. So we did!
It was so lovely but TP foolishly had a chocolate pot (which turned out to be huge) for pudding after our mountain of cheese and it almost broke him. Mainly because he refused to leave any. Honestly it was like watching an endurance test. I’m sure I saw beads of sweat forming! When we left, he was fairly unenthusiastic about walking home.
“Isn’t this lovely. This will help the food settle. I bet you’re glad we walked now,” I said encouragingly halfway home.
“No. I’m. Not.”
It took about 3 hours for him to recover but he rallied and we went to meet Kitty Cat and Marsh later. Kitty Cat understandably left early but Marsh has as much willpower as us so we ended up staying there until it wasn’t my birthday anymore!
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