Out and About

By Puffin

Towards the tiny tower

I've found an exercise class in my local village hall. I've no idea why I've  not been before. Its really good and, being on a Thursday morning, is less likely to clash with weekend stuff like the Saturday Pilates does. And gives me the opportunity to do two classes in a week, very useful when it's raining.  Not that it was raining today. 
This is the view as you step out of the Village Hall.. There is a tiny tower on the hill with gorse which I have climbed up to a couple of times .  Although, looking back ( here) it wasn't on nearly such a nice day.
While I was strengthening my abs  in the village hall, Mr P went off to check a walk for the walking group , fell over and fractured his wrist. Oh dear, 2 hours in the Minor Injuries Unit and he's home with a plaster cast

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