
19.3C bright and breezy.

Update on yesterday's maritime drama:
Apothecary7 and I made a detour on our evening walk and went down to the beach and along past the Fishermen's huts. We saw that 'Shamara II', the boat which capsized yesterday, was now back on land upright and on its trailer. It was up off the beach near the huts where it overwinters. There were quite a few people around working on the boat. The story made the front page of the Dundee Courier. The crew was father and son. They were rescued by another crew of father and son in 'ValhallaVI'.

Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk after lunch. We went our usual route. 'Shamara II' is still sitting on its trailer, just behind the creel rack. People have been working around it again today.

I took a couple of shots out to sea from the car park at Westhaven. Windy today. The waves were running in over the rocks.

So windy over at St Andrews that day 3 of the Women's British Open has had play stopped for several hours !

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