Sweet as...
What a difference a day makes! Awake at 3.30am and not much sleep after that but what a gorgeous day, wall to wall sunshine and 25c and I've burnt my feet! An early morning swim (blissful), a marvel at the birds and foliage then a trip into Takaka to buy essential supplies (expensive) and some flipflops. Then on to collect Joe and back to ours for a leisurely day- a walk on the beach, another swim, some al fresco meals and a lot of chat. The bad news is that Himself has lost his wedding ring, we think it must have fallen off in the water. It doesn't mean anything yet it does. This sight cheered us up though, and immaculate pimped up 1950s tractor on the beach plus parasol - not your usual beach lounger!
Esme is invited to play tomorrow!! There might be a barbie. Still no time for a catch up but hope you're all well
The extra is the view from the bedroom!
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