Silly Saturday
I was both surprised and amused to find this half mannequin in a nearby back alley. This location has also provided fodder for some derelict blips.
The queen of the night orchid cactus has two flower buds on it. The Resident Gardener, supervised by me, brought it up from the farthest corner of the garden in its pot, to the verandah. One bud is more developed and I predict tomorrow night it will bloom. Watch this space.
This morning a tiny insect flew onto the outside wall of the house. I had no idea what it was but I knew it was a photo opportunity so I grabbed the camera and snapped. I'd like to have done it again but it flew, away. It is a moth of the genus Geina, commonly known as a plume moth, or grape moth. I've posted it on I-natualist and hope that someone will identify it further. My photo shows it in its resting position ie with its wings rolled up to make it resemble grass.
Thanks for hosting silly Saturday, ApolloFly.
Thanks for hosting derelict Sunday, Marlieske.
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