Every Picture Tells .....


February Bowls


I woke up this morning and glanced at my watch - and it was 08:13. That gave me 47 minutes to wash, dress, and drive ten miles to the nearest Parkrun at Holywell's Greenfield Valley.

Thankfully, the roads around here are quieter than a library on a Monday, and despite the 20 mph speed limit in Holywell, I managed to make it with ten minutes to spare in which to compose myself.

I was a little slower than last week, but finished in 28:30.

This afternoon, I made my way to East Parade Bowling Club in Rhyl for a bit of practice with my friend Paul. It was very pleasant outdoors in the sunshine but I've not played since before Christmas and was well and truly thrashed.

 I’ve added my Strava track in the extra.

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