Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Boys will be boys.

You leave them on their own for 9 days and they get bored and buy a new toy. I guess the plus side is, I've finally been allowed to blip The Boy. We've had a nice relaxing day catching up and in amongst the rain showers we popped out so he could try out his new toy. It's apparently kind of like a skate board but it works on two wheels and the two ends twist semi-independently of each other.

Begining to recover from Wednesday's excitement though I'm still quite achey if I do much. Thank you to everyone who left such kind comments. I've a tilt table test tomorrow which I'm really not looking forward to but there's a tiny chance it might help with the fainting if nothing else.

I've backblipped the weekend and hopefully now I'm back home I'll get chance to catch up on journals, comments etc.

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