Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


I don't think I've blipped this before and unfortunately as I grabbed it as an emergency blip with the flash on rather than setting it up with natural lighting, it really doesn't do it justice. But, it's my shot for today so it'll have to do.

I've been busy today preparing for my residential next week. Well I say that's what I've been busy with, really I've been busy checking my email every ten minutes waiting for the final details of our holiday to come through so we could proceed with booking it. Yet again, the details came through near the end of the working day so by the time we'd filled in the forms there's another day of waiting tomorrow to pay the deposit. I am however very excited. 6 months is going to go far too slowly (though that's probably just as well considering I've got two exams, a whole short course, christmas, a theory test and a driving test to pass before then).

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