
By maureen6002


Having missed out on seeing Lili on Wednesday, we just have to go over to Meols today for a quick visit. 

Two months is a long time when you’re still in your first year, and poor Lili has had a bad time with recurrent colds, a bad cough, norovirus last weekend and three teeth cutting through her gums. So all in all, it’s hardly surprising that she doesn’t seem at all sure of us when we arrive. In fact, she bursts into tears! 

Of course, she gradually gets used to us, but she’s very clingy with both mummy and daddy. It’s a case of taking things gently and eventually we do get some smiles - if no  cuddles. 

We all go out for a walk and the essential ice cream - dark chocolate and sea salt with orange mini-egg  stracciatella  for me. It’s delicious, but really it’s far too cold to be eating ice cream on the prom today! 

They’re coming over to stay next weekend so she’ll have more time to get used to us again. January was such a big month for her - she’s started nursery and Solveig’s now back at work for four days a week. In two weeks our little Lili will be celebrating her first birthday - where does the time go? 

My main is Lili with her mum - quite a serious Lili here, so I’ve included an extra of her looking a little happier! 

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