New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


Had my first Sunday where P wasn't at his placement for a good couple of years!  The weather hasn't been great, so I suggested a visit to the Burrell Collection and a wander around the park if the weather improved.

The Burrell is great mix and it seems like Mr Burrell was a bit of a magpie - anything Egyptian, Greek, Iranian, Chinese and randomly European is in there, with the odd bit of Sumerian and Syrian. And there's everything from paintings, pottery, taspestries, statues, swords, cooking pots, stained glass, windows and archways taken from other buildings and so much more.  Really interesting place and the new building shows everything off too. Very easy to spend a couple of hours there. Favourite pieces were the tapestry with the lion that had a human grin and looked pretty special, and the Chinese dog statue that looked like a very good dog.  I'm also going to be on youtube later to find out how those big old looms actually works.

After a wander we decided to head out into Shawlands to get some food. About halfway there I realised my wallet wasn't in my bag and so after freezing my cards in the mobile app (the joys of modern banking) went back to the car to head home.  Luckily, I'd just left my wallet by the computer and hadn't picked it up. Cards are now unfrozen. 

Blip is of one of the rather fine highland coos that reside in Pollock park.  This one did not care one ounce about me putting my camera in it's face. 

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