Glory Days...

By emkingcol


The hangover was soon shaken off this morning as we headed off for May's holiday treat...meeting a dolphin:)

Evie has been scuba diving and paragliding (as you do as an 8 year old) so it was time for May to have her day in the sun.

I was her lucky accomplice and although she is too young to actually swim with these beautiful creatures, we could feed, have water fights, pat and stroke, kiss (!) them as much as we liked.

May was mesmerised.

Personally, I have never had any burning desire to get anywhere near a dolphin but I was shocked at what adorable animals they are. Incredibly agile, intelligent and on a level with humans. The height at which they can jump absolutely shocked me as did the size of them!

Rest of the day was spent lazing by the pool with a few beers.

Great day.

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