Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

Big Kids at play

Stayed over at my sisters last night after a dreary day in York (see here for the boring details) and had a lovely Thai for tea. C had fish-fingers for his tea as we didn't think he would eat Thai. He ended up having fish fingers and rice sandwhiched in prawn crackers!!

Today is was my sister and her husbands turn to be big kids.

We went to the park before leaving my sisters; and they clearly had more fun on the apparatus than C did.

For a Saturday in August the A1 / M18 / M42 / M5 were remarkably clear (until I got within one junction of Bristol).

Had an Indian for tea; and thoroughly enjoyed. Don't want to drive anywhere this week :)

Hopefully get some more Gromits this week; then C goes up to Scotland to see some more Aunts / Uncles / Cousins for the week; leaving me with JJ.

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