The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Looking Up

Dug’s been doing some stonework round the outside of the wendy house so it’s been pretty much out of bounds for the last few days. However today, in his absence,  I managed to step over his obstacles and get inside the thing to slather my joists.
Earlier, another boat visit. Regular and assiduous readers of a nautical bent will recall that when the re-engined Rascallion was launched at Portavadie in spring 2022 it wasn’t watertight. A bad thing in a boat. We replaced the old Manecraft seal which seemed to have given up the ghost and put on a Volvo boot type thing. But that’s mysteriously no longer watertight. Having now wrestled the boot off, I can see that the shaft isn’t centred in the stern tube. Would that have been sufficient to have caused the old Manecraft problems? They’re quite exacting in that regard. How simple is it to move the engine block a millimetre to starboard? I think a need a man. And yes, I think his name is John. I think he goes to bed at night with no pyjamas on. 
Ooops sorry, wrong audience. That’s the Singing Kettle. 
I get in touch with John. He’s skiing in Italy but will come and see me as soon as he’s back. 

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