Butterfly day

There are white butterflies everywhere at the moment.

I've not been feeling great again. I've had dizziness and exhaustion.

I reached up to try to coax my runner beans over the garden arch and felt really weird. My head began to whoosh and the feeling in my arms began to go.

I've had terrible trouble waking up and getting going in the mornings recently, and by 2-3pm I'm ready to lie down again.
Part of it is, I'm sure, due to drinking valerian tea at night and it taking a long time to wear off, but I know that's not causing the problems throughout the day. Hopefully it's just one of my usual bad spells and I can expect to feel better again soon.

Richard worked all day and I muddled through the day, walked the dog and kept Tess fed. I "watched a film" with Tess this afternoon so I could have a sneaky nap. Then Mum came over for a while.

I managed to dig up some baby potatoes for dinner and grab some courgettes and a baby pumpkin, and water the plants, but other than that I've just plodded through a rather thick-headed fog.

Just camomile tea tonight.

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